On quantum matrix algebras satisfying the Cayley-Hamilton-Newton identities
The Cayley-Hamilton-Newton identities which generalize both the characteristic identity and the Newton relations have been recently obtained for the algebras of the RTT-type. We extend this result to a wider class of algebras M(R̂, F̂ ) defined by a pair of compatible solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. This class includes the RTTalgebras as well as the Reflection equation algebras. On leave of absence from P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Theoretical Department, Leninsky pr. 53, 117924 Moscow, Russia On leave of absence from Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
منابع مشابه
Generalized Cayley-Hamilton-Newton identities
The q-generalizations of the two fundamental statements of matrix algebra – the Cayley-Hamilton theorem and the Newton relations – to the cases of quantum matrix algebras of an ”RTT-” and of a ”Reflection equation” types have been obtained in [2]–[6]. We construct a family of matrix identities which we call Cayley-HamiltonNewton identities and which underlie the characteristic identity as well ...
متن کامل0 D ec 1 99 9 Q - multilinear Algebra
The Cayley-Hamilton-Newton theorem which underlies the Newton identities and the Cayley-Hamilton identity is reviewed, first, for the classical matrices with commuting entries, second, for two q-matrix algebras, the RTTalgebra and the RLRL-algebra. The Cayley-Hamilton-Newton identities for these q-algebras are related by the factorization map. A class of algebras M(R̂, F̂ ) is presented. The alge...
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For families of orthogonal and symplectic types quantum matrix (QM-) algebras, we derive corresponding versions of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. For a wider family of BirmanMurakami-Wenzl type QM-algebras, we investigate a structure of its characteristic subalgebra (the subalgebra in which the coefficients of characteristic polynomials take values). We define 3 sets of generating elements of the...
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We discuss how properties of Hecke symmetry (i.e., Hecke type R-matrix) influence the algebraic structure of the corresponding Reflection Equation (RE) algebra. Analogues of the Newton relations and Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix of generators of the RE algebra related to a finite rank even Hecke symmetry are derived.
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We prove that the m-generated Grassmann algebra can be embedded into a 2 × 2 matrix algebra over a factor of a commutative polynomial algebra in m indeterminates. Cayley–Hamilton and standard identities for n× n matrices over the m-generated Grassmann algebra are derived from this embedding. Other related embedding results are also presented.
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